Who is the Fudge Fairy?

Hi! I’m Jacqueline, owner and creator of Fudge Fairy. I have always loved candy, really anything with sugar to be exact. But I’m that person that always has room for dessert 😝 I started making fudge late 2023, right after my mom’s passing in honor of her. She loved fudge, and I felt closer to her if I made it.

This ended up with me making way too much fudge, and eventually handing it out to anyone I knew. I found so much joy in doing that, and loved getting so much positive feedback, thus, Fudge Fairy was born.

Besides cooking up the most interesting fudge recipes, I will also be experimenting with other baked goods.

According to Tennessee Cottage Law, I can sell and ship any of goods within the State of Tennessee and lately we’ve been selling our goods at our friend @pecansageco farm stand in Shelbyville, TN! We hope to branch out and sell in more locations, so stay tuned. Come along for the journey. Hope you enjoy 😋✨


Text us: 615•864•0036

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Note: Not all locations carry every flavor listed on our website, and selections may vary from week to week. To guarantee access to all flavors, we recommend ordering online.


Bits & Pieces

501 N Main St. Shelbyville, Tennessee 37160


Pecan Sage Co.

557 Minkslide Rd. Shelbyville, Tennessee 37160